Monday, April 9, 2012

Eat All You Can

    This is a long overdue blog that was suppose to be posted way before the flattened doughnuts that I made for the duo, but I got too preoccupied with spring cleaning (still unfinished), quilt making and experimenting in the kitchen.

    It was my turn to invite my friends over for dinner, they really wouldn't have a choice since their son was staying with us for the day after school and they have to pick him up - not much of an option because I wouldn't let them leave unless they finished their dinner.

    I made pan-seared butterflied chicken, stuffed bell peppers with pecorino romano, pineapple fried rice, steamed broccoli and asparagus, and a single serving of shrimp scampi. Vee laughingly joked that I am trying to upstage her significant other because I prepared a feast for them. In response, he challenged me to a cookout, I agreed and suggested to have a barbecue come summer (I can't wait).

    The recipe for the chicken and stuffed bell pepper are as follows:

Crazy Chicken Marinade

1 tsp chili pepper (can be omitted or lessened, if you don't prefer spicy foods)
1 whole lemon (zest and juice)
1 cup orange juice
1/4 cup vinegar
3 tbsp sugar
6 cloves of garlic, grated
1/8 cup worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp dried oregano
1 tbsp dried parsley
1 tsp paprika
salt and pepper

   Mixed all the ingredients together except the salt and pepper. Set aside and let stand to have all ingredients' flavors combine. Mix salt and pepper together then rub on the chicken. Put chicken in a bowl then pour marinade mixture on chicken, cover with plastic wrap and let marinade. The chicken I marinated the night before to have the flavors seeped way into the bones, but a good four hours will be sufficient.

   I heat up a cast iron grill over the stove, I would have grilled it outside on a regular one but it is not allowed for tenants here to do so. I seared it up in the pan while I preheat the oven to 250°F. I let the chicken cook thoroughly in the oven for a good 2 hours. If doing it in a grill, sear the chicken then put on the side with low flame and cover.

Stuffed Pepper with Pecorino Romano

4 whole peppers - opened or cut in half, seeded
1lb ground meat
3 cloves of garlic, minced
2 shallots, minced
1 tomato, minced
1 tsp paprika
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup shredded pecorino romano
1 cup italian breadcrumbs

  Clean the peppers and remove seeds, you can cut it according to preference but make sure it will be able to act like a cup and hold the filling. Saute garlic, onion and tomato till onion became transparent. Add ground meat then season with paprika, salt and pepper. Thoroughly cook the meat and let sit for a while. In a small bowl, mix cheese and breadcrumbs together. Fill the peppers with the meat and top with the crumb mixture. Put in a deep dish pan and put a rack. Put filled pepper on top then drizzle with olive oil.
   Bake for 20 minutes then broil till top is roasted.


Next, I'll be posting the dual celebration of my mom's and aunt's birthdays which are coincidentally at the same day.

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