Tuesday, February 28, 2012

White Birthday

  On an early day before our work even begin, my close friend at work suddenly demanded (seriously demanded) that I make her cheesecake pops for her upcoming birthday - this was my coworker who only eats cheesecake made by me. I stared at her and laugh after which I said no jokingly. Continuing to our group's conversation - whatever it was (I forgot), we talked about work, the things that we need to attend to and went back to the cheesecake pop demand. Yes, she isn't about to let this go. To appease her, I asked when her birthday is (I know, I know, but she never really said anything), she told me that it's on the 26th of February. My response? "Alright, alright, just stop'' - like a mom telling her child to stop whining (but I was laughing).
   Now you're probably wondering why do you see photos of a white cake instead of cheesecake pops or any cheesecake for that matter. Well, one day when we were walking while searching for a place to eat, I asked her if she really want cheesecake pops. I asked her for two reasons: I'm out of budget and two, I was feeling off and lazy to do something like that. It might be selfish reasons but she understood (yes, I told her the same thing because she asked me why I'm asking her). I told her that I'll make her something else, something she really likes. 

   I got a quick answer, "I want cake for my birthday". Yes, a quick and very vague answer, so I asked her what kind. I smiled while shaking my head after she answered my second question because she sounded frustrated. After some exchange of smart retorts she said "I want a small vanilla cake for my birthday". It was such a serious tone that I looked at her and of course responded with a why? I mean I have nothing against vanilla flavored cake, but why the plain one? She said that it's what she wanted and she just want a small one. 

  Days before her birthday, I told her that it will be my first time to make a vanilla cake. That was my reason for hesitating to make one. I have never tried one and I don't want her birthday cake to be the guinea pig so to speak. I told her this as a warning, she said it's okay she got faith on me - pressure much? 

  After all that I have to learn about vanilla cake, I started making one, I didn't rush it, careful not to make a mistake, make sure to get the measurements right and to make sure that the frosting won't be too sweet and over power the cake. I asked her to come over my place, inviting my other coworker friends as well to have a little birthday celebration. 

  We had dinner of tomato basil pasta and baked chicken before the dessert. Needless to say that I have nothing to worry about, they love how the cake look like and more importantly, how it taste like.

Happy Birthday!

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