Sunday, April 29, 2012

Keylime Cheesecake

  I've purchased way too much cream cheese in the past few days that our refrigerator is getting too packed because of it and even my mom was complaining. To avoid having those cream cheese turn green (you know what I'm talking about), one by one I use them for something. I made some cream cheese frosting, white chocolate with cream cheese frosting, and some for cooking. But apparently I got addicted in buying cream cheese everytime there's a bargain - $5 for 2 anyone?

 But of course, I can't seriously just store them inside the fridge without finding molds sooner than later, especially taking the weather into consideration. Figuring what else to do with them without making another plain cheesecake I thought of making one with flavor. So one day, before my mom went food shopping, I asked her to buy me some key limes. But I also found some on sale on my way home - $1 for 5, there I go buying some (yeah bargains are a killer for me).

  After a few days of delaying, into the kitchen I went, prepared everything I need and tried to finish early. To make sure that the keylime cheesecake will not stay in the fridge longer than it should (I was a bit apprehensive since it is my first attempt), I used my smallest springform pan - 6''.

 Luckily, it didn't stayed that long since I gave a slice to my friend which she loved! My mom said that it was good because the lime compliments the flavor and creaminess of the cheese. Personally, I think the next time I make another batch I'll be making some adjustments like lessening the lime juice content. I'm glad they like it, but for me I think it was somehow a tad sour than needed.

Keylime cheesecake: (Can also fill up a 9-inch springform pan)
 this recipe I adapted from Smitten Kitchen which she adapted from Gourmet, May 2002
For Crust:

 1 1/4 cups graham crumbs or 9 graham crackers, crushed
 3 tbsp sugar
 5 tbsp unsalted butter, melted

For the filling:

 3 (8 ounces) package cream cheese at room temperature
 1 cup sugar
 3/4 cups lime juice - set aside 1 tbsp
 1/2 cup sour cream
 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
 1/8 tsp salt
 4 large eggs

Preheat oven to 350°F then butter bottom of pan to ensure easy release.

Stir together crumbs, sugar and butter in a bowl with a fork until combined well. Put in the pan then press evenly distributing it. Bake crust in middle of oven for 10 mins and cool pan in a rack.

After taking out the pan, reduced heat of oven to 325°F.

Beat cream cheese with an electric mixer at medium speed till fluffy, beat in sugar (careful not to overbeat). Add lime juice, sour cream, and vanilla while continuously beating till smooth.  Lower speed then add salt then scrape sides of bowl as needed. Add eggs one at a time till incorporated.

Pour the filling into the crust and set in a shallow baking pan. Bake in the middle of the oven till set, around  1 hour. After an hour, prop oven door open and leave the cheesecake in the oven for another 30 mins.

Afterwards, remove pan from oven and cool in on top of rack.

For this cheesecake, I  whipped 1/4 cup heavy cream, 4 tbsp sugar and the 1tbsp of lime juice we set aside earlier.

This recipe is already adjusted according to my preferences. If you find anything you needed to change, I'll be happy to hear from you!

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