Friday, April 6, 2012

From Round to Flat

    I have never tried any doughnut that's flat until I have to improvise after I got very disappointed with the mini doughnut maker that I bought on a sale one day. I made some doughnut batter (the recipe I found online) earlier before picking up the boys from school so all I have to do is pour a spoonful in each mold and not have the boys wait much. But after I made a first batch and they ended toasty on the outside and undercooked on the inside I had to find a way to bake the doughnut batter using a mold resembling a doughnut and instead opted to use the whoopie pan that my mom bought last year. I would have bought a doughnut pan but I don't want the batter to end up in the fridge and be used much later than necessary.

   I have planned to give the mini doughnuts as the "duo's" snack which was after an hour of feeding the ''duo" mac and cheese for lunch. While the batter was baking, I made some butter ganache to use as glaze over the "flat doughnuts" as my son now calls them. In the end, it was my son's bestfriend that ate most of it than my son. He was complaining how it's not how doughnuts usually looks like. As much as the texture and taste is of a doughnut, I have to agree with my son and I was a bit disappointed too since I was aiming for the round holed little sweet bites than a whoopie pie looking doughnut. Apparently, his bestfriend doesn't share our perception since he loves them which was a surprised for me.

   Lesson learned for me which means getting a mini doughnut pan and never use an electric doughnut or whatever maker.

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